One day, as I sat at my computer staring out into the cornfield to the south of us, I thought, "Wouldn't it be fun to blog about being a born-n-bred city girl who ended up living in the country?" Why yes, it would be fun, but my amazing penchant for procrastination (as well as doing some other things that genuinely needed to be done) kept winning out, and I never seemed to get around to it.
Finally, in November, I actually created the blog and chose the picture for the header. Which I am still trying to resize correctly. And that was as far as I got.
Side note--I have a history of putting off projects that are just for myself. Give me a work deadline or a volunteer activity, and I am on the ball and Little Miss Git-r-done. But putting photos from my trips into albums or organizing my side of the closet? Fuggitaboutit.
Today I read a blog post on a freelance website where the gist was, "Write is a verb. If you're a writer, stop talking about it and start writing something." This was probably about the hundredth time I've heard that particular piece of advice, but for some reason, today it stuck. Now, my overall goal is to write things that will somehow contribute to our family's income, but I decided that starting with this blog would be a good way to get the creative juices flowing as well as share some of the funny and interesting stories from life in rural Nebraska.
In an effort to be vaguely chronological, I'll try to recount some of the highlights from our first eight months here in the first few posts. I hope that you'll be amused, inspired, encouraged, or at least temporarily distracted from the craziness of your everyday life by taking a peek into mine.